April 2, 2018

Farewell River Spinners

The River Spinners had a good run. Approximately twenty years. 

So much knowledge shared, friendships made, yarn spun, and fabric created.

If you are reading this you are probably wondering were to turn now to further your skills, inspiration, and/or find good company of those that also love the fiber arts. Lucky for you we care to share alternative sources of fiber arts knowledge in the area.

Green Mountain Spinners and Weavers
Martha Seymour crowhillrd@yahoo.com and 

NHA on Facebook

Parallel Plyers
On Ravelry and at Webs see Ravelry for schedule of socials

What happened to the guild's equipment? A couple of pieces of equipment were sold and the remaining equipment was donated to the fiber arts program at The Putney School in the memory of our late member Victoria Huff.

What happened to the guild's finances? We are renewing the subscription to Spin-Off magazine at Brooks Memorial Library and after that all remaining funds will be donated to The Putney School's Rwanda Fund in memory of late member Victoria Huff as soon as the accounts are settled and then the checking account will be closed. I will try to post more info about the Rwanda Putney connection over the next few weeks as it is a worth while cause and you may be inclined to support it as well.

Who was Victoria Huff? Victoria Huff was a lovely and brilliant soul that cared about giving back to The Putney School because they had been so generous to the guild over the years with time, expertise, and workshop space. She was spinning yarn around the time of her passing in the hopes of it being sold to help raise funds for the Rwanda Project (See below for more info on Rwanda Project). We honor her activism, spirit, and life. She died unexpectedly on June 14, 2017.

What will happen to guild's lovely logo of a sheep spinning a river of fiber? It has been given back the original artist to use as she sees fit.

We have been working to close out all emails, social sites, other sites that reference the guild.

We wish you well and happy spinning.

As promised here is more info on the Rwanda project:
Page 21 of Fall 2017 issue of the Putney Post