June 21, 2014

June 21 Meeting Minutes

We had a very lovely meeting full of laughter and sharing by the 5 of us in attendance in the well lit meeting room. Please see last post for the full agenda.

We started off with show and tell where Betty, who drove up from Long Island that morning to be with us shared some exciting news. She was interviewed by Vogue Knitting with a story about her Moose Manor Hand Paints business and it will be appearing in the issue that is due to release on or before July 8.

Here is the cover so you know what to look for . . .

Sumac brought some gorgeous core spun yarns with cores ranging from bulky, to lace for inspiration and then gave us a hands on demonstration.  She even gave us a look at core less core spinning - who knew that even existed. It was very cool.  Thank you Sumac!!!!! What a great way to kick off our new quarterly meetings.

We voted on several things all unanimously at the meeting of all those in attendance.

  1. There will be no official first Thursday night meetings from July - September
  2. We set the dates for the next two quarterly meetings - same time (10:15-1:45) and place (Brooks Memorial Library meeting room) on September 6 and December 13. Please mark your calendars.
  3. That we bring in an outside instructor (to be announced once they are secured to date and topic) from New England for the September meeting and that the guild pay for their services from the treasury.
  4. That new officers are to be elected at the September meeting which will be the start of a new year for the River Spinners.
Additional items of discussion - although not voted on unanimous consent that this was how we wanted to proceed.
  1. People should plan to bring dues for the September meeting we did not officially vote to reinstate as it makes more sense to do that at the start of the new business year
  2. The December meeting we will have in place of the Yankee swap a destash round robin - no worries if you don't have a big enough stash to destash
  3. The December meeting topic will be upcycling sweaters (Please step forward if you have expertise with this and can make the meeting) with focus manly on the following areas:
    1. Salvaging for yarn
    2. Making pillows from old sweaters
    3. Making bags from old sweaters
  4. We will plan for the March meeting to bring in another outside instructor
  5. When we advertise the guild we are going to be less limiting as a spinning guild and let people know that other fiber arts and bead work is also welcome.

Happy spinning and happy solstice,
Member of the River Spinners
The River Spinners

June 16, 2014

June 21 Meeting Notice and Agenda

The quarterly meeting is this Saturday!  

Saturday, June 21, 2014 Agenda
Brooks Memorial Library meeting room - next to Children's room on second floor
10:15-11 am Welcome with show and tell
11-12 Core Spinning with Sumac (see supplies and info below)
12-1 Business meeting/Lunch (due to so many dietary concerns we are just brown bagging it :) - Subway is right across from the library as another option)
1-1:45 Time to work on individual projects or more time to work on core spinning

For core spinning, you'll need a yarn for the core.  It can be anything, as it will be covered.  I've used cotton or commercial yarn.  Here's a good use for your favorite ugly yarn/fiber. If you want your yarn to be on the more balanced side, add more twist to the yarn by spinning it onto a bobbin. Also will need a lazy kate and some fiber to cover the core with.  "Ordinary" fiber will work, or a more funky artsy blend. Time to play!

Feel free to come to all or part of the day. We are looking forward to seeing you! Bring a friend!

Happy spinning and happy solstice,
Member of the River Spinners
The River Spinners

P.S. Next meeting schedule will be decided upon during the business portion of Saturday's meeting.